DIY Christmas wreath ideas

Hey guys! The most wonderful time of the year is upon us! I love Christmas and everything about it - the tree, the decoration, the presents, the carols, and the general vibe. You have to agree that it’s completely magical. This time, I started my prep a bit sooner than usual because I didn’t want to rush things at the last minute! I usually tend to do that.

I also decided to make some of my Christmas decor at home (well, as much as I could), instead of buying from the store. I just thought it would add a nice touch, plus I wanted to reuse and recycle as much as possible. That has been the general theme for me this whole year. I had to really stop myself from buying any new Christmas decor and ornaments this year, which was really tough, because there’s so much beautiful stuff out there! But anyway, I must say I was really good this year!

So let’s get started on the wreaths, shall we? I had this old Christmas tree in a box that I’d got in Singapore and I had used for 2 years. It was a bit frayed, so I got a new tree this year. I miss the tree picking tradition that we followed while we were in the UK. We all stepped out to the garden centre on a cold winter’s night and examined rows and rows of trees. Finally, when we picked the one we liked, we took it home, placed it in the corner of our living room, and sat around it, feeling accomplished, drinking some hot cocoa (or wine). Now, we just go to IKEA and pick up a tree. But it’s still special nonetheless.

Wreath 1: For this wreath, I used a metal (wire) hanger - the one that’s typically used by dry cleaners to return shirts/dresses. It’s quite easy to bend, but in case you decide to use it, keep a plier handy to twist the ends in place. Other supplies - the old Christmas tree, sharp scissors/ wire cutter, green thread, pliers (if needed), red artificial flowers.

First, I bent the wire hanger to roughly form a circle. Now, it doesn’t have to be exact, because it can be concealed quite easily with the leaves. Then I cut out stems from the Christmas tree and twisted/wrapped them around the hanger till all the gaps were concealed. You can do multiple layers of the leaves - I did two layers. Be careful while you’re working with the wires because they tend to prick a lot. So do wear gloves if you have sensitive hands. Finally, I attached the red flowers to the wreath using some green thread and also used the thread to secure the leaves around the hanger. I quite liked the minimalistic design of this wreath and this one is going to hang on my front door!

Wreath 2: For this wreath I used a pressure cooker gasket that I was going to throw away! Gaskets are the sealant rings that are used inside pressure cookers to make them airtight and build the pressure. It was quite easy to work with and I’m glad I didn’t throw it away immediately! Other supplies - old Christmas tree, red artificial flowers/stems, pine cones, scissors to cut the wire, double sided tape to attach the pine cones, green thread to secure the stems.

This was super easy and I made it in under 15 minutes. It was just a matter of wrapping the gasket with the green stems and securing with the green thread. Then I attached the red flowers to the wreath with some thread, and finally used double sided tape to stick on the pine cones. It could not have been easier and quicker! This one is slightly smaller and it’s going to hang on my back door!

Hope you liked these 2 DIY wreaths! Which one did you like better? I’d love to know! Have a lovely Christmas everyone! Much love..

