And just like that, it’s a new year, once again.. do you make new year resolutions? This year I decided to do something different. So here’s a list of things I’m NOT going to do this year!
Read MoreThis year we had a low key Christmas lunch with some friends! Here’s my menu with links to recipes! I hope this inspires you to create your own mini feast with a focus on pre-cooking and pre-prepping.
Read MoreToday, 19th March 2021 is celebrated as World Sleep Day! It’s an important day indeed, because sleep is probably one of the most important things that we need for a properly functioning life; yet it is so easily compromised in our modern lifestyle. Today is celebrated as “World Sleep Day’ to raise awareness of important sleep-related issues and to advocate the importance of sleep for good health.
Read MoreWhat does your Instagram say about you? Do you think aesthetics are important? How has your Instagram evolved over time? These are some of the things I talk about in my post - taking snapshots of my Instagram feed and talking about my life at the time. Hopefully it will help you connect with me a bit better!
Read MoreIs blogging still relevant in 2020? I’ve been wondering if I should continue to blog, whether people are still interested in reading traditional blogs in the current social media landscape. Different formats like video, podcasts seem to have taken over so I really wanted to do a bit of research on what the future of blogging looks like! Find out more, read my blog!
Read MoreEveryone’s talking about the new normal these days. I really thought about what mine would look like and the things that I would love to continue to do even after the pandemic is over!
Read MoreThis post is all about how my eating habits have changed over the past few years. I have embraced a more sustainable diet for me and made small changes to my lifestyle and the way I approach food and nutrition. I hope you find it useful
Read MoreIf you’re someone who likes to ‘do it all’ and fit in as much as possible in the little time you have, it is likely that you’ve fallen into the trap of multi-tasking, just like me! I’m slowly trying to move away from it and ‘single-task’ my way into a more relaxed life. Read on to find out how!
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