2020 The Year That Was

Hi there!

This year is finally coming to an end! What a year 2020 has been! There was doom and gloom all around! Covid brought us all down to our knees and we were forced to get accustomed to a new way of living.. If we aren’t able to learn from this year and somehow become better human beings, then that will be one of the worst outcomes of all! For me, it’s certainly been a year of reflection. I sure had a lot of realizations and lessons. I learnt some things the hard way (sometimes that’s what we need)! So here are my 20 ‘realizations’ or ‘learnings’ from 2020 - the year that was (in completely random order):

  1. Good health is more important than anything will ever be. Everything else is secondary.

  2. You are not the center of the universe. The world does not revolve around you.

  3. It is possible to ‘agree to disagree’ on most things and still be good friends.

  4. It takes a different kind of courage to put your foot down and stand up for yourself.

  5. Introverts have had a tough year as well.

  6. You really don’t know what someone is going through, just be kind anyway.

  7. There comes a point when it stops being a joke. Know when to stop. Don’t be a bully.

  8. It is absolutely OK for your children to face disappointment from time to time.

  9. Talking to some people is like banging your head against a brick wall. There can only be one outcome.

  10. Good listeners are hard to find.

  11. Too much of anything is toxic, even positivity.

  12. Buying less is more sustainable, than buying sustainable.

  13. Saying ‘No’, takes a lot of practice, but it gets easier when you decide to stop pleasing people.

  14. It is possible to have meaningful conversations with Instagram friends, and people you’ve never met before.

  15. There’s a sure-fire way of driving someone away - give them repeated unsolicited advice.

  16. Sometimes, you just have to sit back and wait for Karma to do its thing.

  17. It’s really never too late to start minding your own business! Start Now!

  18. It’s hard to please everyone, but it’s really easy to dis-please everyone, at the same time.

  19. If you can’t fix a problem, at least try really hard to not make it worse.

  20. There is no need to over-explain and justify your thoughts and actions over and over again. Just stop.