New dawn, new day, new year
Happy New Year everyone!! Hope this year is filled with lots of love and happiness and positivity! What a year it’s been right?? It’s been a bit all over the place for me personally, but I suppose, all’s well that ends well! I have a really good feeling about 2022. I feel like things are finally going to fall into place .. well, that’s what I hope anyway!
Last night, I was at a friend’s place and we had the best time bringing in the new year.. there was yummy food and lots of giggles and of course, the age old topic of resolutions came up! Since I always make resolutions, everyone was expecting me to have a few up my sleeve. But shockingly enough, I had none!
Now typically, on this glorious day, I sit down with my notebook and write a list of what I’m going to do and how I’m going to be amazing this year. But this year I’ve decided to throw in a little twist. So I’ve made a list of what I’m NOT going to do this year. I think I might be a little bit more successful! What do you think?
So here goes:
I’m not going to say ‘Yes’, when I want to say ‘No
I’m not going to explain myself more than I need to
I’m not going to overthink every little thing (ok this is the hardest!)
I’m not going to apologize for no reason (I don’t know why this is so hard!)
I’m not going to be complacent about my health
I’m not going to feel guilty for taking some time out for myself
I’m not going to wait for the right time
I’m not going to underestimate myself
I’m not going to get into silly arguments
I’m not going to settle for less than I deserve
Phew! So that’s a lot of stuff I’m NOT going to do this year! And yet, somehow that feels like a lot of work! TBH, these are some of the hardest things to do - changing your mindset and putting your needs before others is incredibly hard to do, but at the same time, absolutely necessary to do for mental peace and well-being.
“We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list”
Have you made any resolutions this year? Let me know in the comments below! Hope you all have a fantastic year and may it bring you peace, joy and happiness!
Happy New Year!
Kirti xx