My Travel Resolutions
Hey guys! I’m back with a travel related post, because that’s all I can think about these days :D
In less than 2 weeks, I’m going to be travelling to amazing places for a month long summer break (Yasss!), and this time I’ve decided to be super organised and ‘sensible’. I know, I know, sounds a bit far-fetched doesn’t it? Being sensible on holiday is usually not my thing. Anyway, here are my travel (dare I say) resolutions! I usually try and avoid the ‘R’ word because I’m terrible when it comes to resolutions and I have a very very poor track record! But I thought, if I put these out there, I’ll take them a bit more seriously (at least there’s a higher chance). Maybe after I’m back, I’ll write another post on whether I managed to keep all these resolutions! What say??
As far as possible, no plastic
I have greatly reduced using plastic these days and if you want to find out how I went about it, read my post on how to use less plastic. So, technically it really shouldn’t be any different when I’m on holiday, right? But generally speaking, if you’re going to be out and about all day, the chances of using plastic are considerably higher. At least from my experience. Even at the airport, you end up buying a coffee or a bottle of water and that’s even before you’ve started your journey. Just think about it. So I have decided to carry my own water bottle and travel coffee mug on all my travels. Whether it’s on the plane, or in the resort or wherever, I'll always be seen with my pink water bottle. I’m hoping there will be water fountains and taps to fill up my bottle with fresh water wherever I go. If not, then of course this isn’t going to work! But as they say, no harm in trying! Also, no straws, no plastic cutlery and no plastic takeaway boxes. This might be slightly tricky, because I’m often eating on the go, so I’m not sure at this point how I’m going to manage that. But if I do, I’ll let you guys know! I’m also going to carry my own foldable cloth tote/bag in case I end up shopping or doing the groceries etc. That’s fairly reasonable right?
Capsule holiday wardrobe
This basically means I’m going to carry just 10-12 items of clothing and they are all going to magically work together and I’m going to create amazing looks every day and live happily ever after! Yes, this is possible and I’m going to make it happen. Mix-and-match is the way forward! I’m going to start putting together a capsule travel wardrobe in the next day or two, so wish me luck! But please note that I am going to shop whilst on holiday (as if I need to say this!) and those items are not counted. Just saying. So there you go, it makes even more sense to carry just a few things and I’ll finally get a chance to experience this whole ‘travelling light’ thing that people keep talking about.
Sensible shopping
Due to the slightly subjective nature of the word sensible, I’m going to elaborate on what I mean by 'sensible shopping'. In the past, I’ve never really gone shopping with a plan. That has often resulted in buying too much of everything - too many clothes, too many shoes (although this is debatable), too many random things that I can totally live without! But this time I have made a list (well, I’m working on it) and I’m going to stick to it! So I’m not going to fall for the ‘Buy 3, get 2 free’ deal or any other ridiculous deal I may come across (note to self: stay away from Bath and Bodyworks and you’ll be fine). I think that’s sensible enough for me!
I’ve found another way to keep a tab on my shopping and that is to carry a pre-loaded card with a fixed amount to be used purely for shopping. It’s not groundbreaking, I know, but it will be a first for me! This way I’ll know exactly how much I’ve spent and by setting a hard limit, I won’t go overboard. I’m still negotiating with my husband on what that limit should be, but we’ll get there!
Exercise twice a week (at least)
Haha I know some of you are laughing at this! I can feel it! But honestly speaking, I’m on such a great exercise spree at the moment that I don’t want to take such a long break. So I’m definitely going to try and workout twice a week. I might go for a swim, or a run or do an HIIT workout in my room. But whatever it is, I’m definitely going to exercise. There are so many workouts out there, it's pretty straightforward to pick one and get it done with, first thing in the morning. In terms of food, I don't really follow any particular diet, so I'll just continue with my 'eat everything in moderation' plan. I've never ever done any form of exercise on vacation, so this is a first for me, I must admit. But I'm quite hopeful and I think with a bit of nudging and dragging from my husband, I can make this work! There, I’ve said it. Now God help me!
Carry my own snacks
You know I always carry a few snacks for my toddler whenever we step out of the house. It's just such a routine thing for me, as I'm sure it is for all other parents or carers of little ones.. But when it comes to my own snacks, I always end up buying a muffin, or a pack of crisps or an energy bar etc. Who else can relate to this? Now, I get quite hungry through the day because I eat smaller portions. So I've figured that the logical thing to do is to carry my own snacks. It should be quite easy to just put a little fruit or a pack of nuts or a cereal bar in my bag while stepping out. This way I’ll end up making healthier choices also spend less. Seriously, why haven't I done this sooner??
Do something I’ve never done before
OK don’t expect things like bungee jumping or zip lining etc from me please! I’m not into any kind of adventure sport or anything OTT. But at the same time, I do want to do at least one thing I haven’t done before. To give you an example, when I visited Phuket, I took a Thai cooking course and that was something I had never done before. It was such a lovely experience and I learnt so much in those 3 hours, it was truly amazing! Of course what I do will depend on the place I’m visiting and if I have the time, but still, I’m at least going to be open to trying something new within my means and capacity. In any case, holidays are all about new experiences and opening your mind to new possibilities, right??
There, I’ve said it and it's on the Internet, so it’s as official as it can get! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep most of my travel resolutions and create some lovely memories along the way! I honestly don’t think this is impossible to do. It definitely needs more thinking, planning and organising than I’m used to, but I’m ready to take on this challenge! So wish me luck!