Today, 19th March 2021 is celebrated as World Sleep Day! It’s an important day indeed, because sleep is probably one of the most important things that we need for a properly functioning life; yet it is so easily compromised in our modern lifestyle. Today is celebrated as “World Sleep Day’ to raise awareness of important sleep-related issues and to advocate the importance of sleep for good health.
Read MoreIf you’re someone who likes to ‘do it all’ and fit in as much as possible in the little time you have, it is likely that you’ve fallen into the trap of multi-tasking, just like me! I’m slowly trying to move away from it and ‘single-task’ my way into a more relaxed life. Read on to find out how!
Read MoreMy little boy has started ‘big school’! Read about all the thoughts that popped in my mind in the run up to D-Day! A true account of a ‘not-so-organised’ mom.
Read MorePink is a colour, like any other colour. I’ve felt so many times that somehow it’s a bit strange when boys like pink things. Like it deserves some special mention. Let kids be kids and let them like what they like :)
Read MoreTrust me, it gets easier - the golden words that I’ve heard people say to me over and over and over again. Yet, being a parent isn’t easy and I don’t know if it will get any easier in future. Still, I wouldn’t have it any other way..
Read MoreI love travelling and exploring new places. This time, I’ve made some travel ‘resolutions’ that I totally intend to keep! If you want to find out what they are, read on!
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