So it begins: First day of school!
I knew this day would come, but I must say it's come around too soon! My little boy has started school! Eeek! Now it's not like he hasn't been away from me or from his home in the past - he's been in daycare/nursery since he was 9 months old. 8am - 5pm, all day, everyday. But this is still a big deal - the beginning of a new chapter in his life and I couldn't be more excited for him!
Now when it comes to this whole 'Going to school' thing, let me just put it out there - it's not my boy I'm worried about. I know he'll do just fine! I'm more worried about me! Hey, I was scrambling around for navy socks a day before school started. I am 'that' mom. I try to be organised for the most part, but you know, I have my days when everything seems to be falling apart.
Meanwhile, I thought I'd share with you what thoughts came into my mind in the run up to 'The first day of school'. When I look back, I find some of these things quite hilarious! I really do focus on random, not-so-important things at times, but what I don't do is take myself too seriously! That's the secret to everlasting happiness (well, one of the secrets!).
The day before the BIG day:
- "Oooh, so tomorrow's the big day! People keep asking me if I'm ready. Honestly, I don't know! Let me go through the list, just to be sure. Ohh great, these are not the right socks! Now I'll have to run around in this heat to find navy socks - non trainer! I should have checked this uniform list before, right?! White trainer socks are for the sports uniform; navy non trainer socks are for the regular uniform. This is not complicated at all." #justsaying!
- "Who should I ask? Should I ask the other moms? What will they think? How could I leave this for the last minute? This is so typical of me.. maybe I'm more prepared in my head, than I actually am. What if I've forgotten something else? Let me go through the list for the 50th time"
- "Oh the other moms are so helpful! I was worrying for no reason. I'm sure this is all normal, these things happen. Phew! Thank God for this mom group on Facebook! I think I'm going to use it a lot!"
- "At last! M&S to the rescue. I found navy socks, but they are a size too big. But that's fine! They are navy, they are socks, and they are non-trainer. I've met the brief! Crisis averted!"
- "Now, let me check for the 30th time if I've got everything sorted: School bag, snack box, lunch bag, uniform, hat, book bag, correct socks, shoes, labels on everything except on my son - Check!"
- "Should I let my son nap in the afternoon? What if he doesn't sleep at night? Oh God I don't want to be late on the first day! But then if he doesn't nap, he'll drive us all crazy! Ok, nap it is, but just for 1 hour. Middle ground reached."
- "What should I give him in his snack box? It needs to be healthy, and also something he might eat. This is an impossible task! Wait a minute, does that mean he doesn't eat healthy snacks in general? Ok, I can deal with that later. First, let me go on to Pinterest for some inspiration."
- "Wow is this what preschoolers get in their snack box?? Why do they need so many compartments in the first place! My boy would never eat all that! LoL! will I ever have the time (or patience) to make mini caterpillars out of his sandwich? No, no this is a bad idea - I must keep expectations low. I think I'll go with a mini cheese sandwich, strawberries and raisins. What a great snack! So this Pinterest was a waste, and I wasted another hour looking for 'Living room ideas'. Damn!"
- "Finally, it is bedtime! And guess what, the afternoon nap was a bad idea after all! When will I learn? But then, at least I got to have a hot cup of tea without having to microwave it twice. Not so bad after all! But from tomorrow, no afternoon naps!"
- "I must put 2 alarms, in case something goes wrong with the first one. I hope we both get ready on time! Oh wait, what am I going to wear!?? Why don't they just have uniforms for parents? It would make my life so much easier. Should I make an effort like some other moms? Nah, I'll just wear my gym clothes and pretend I'm going to gym later. Ha! Oh but wait - I must look presentable. First impressions and all that. Hmmm, I think I need to wake up even earlier. Argghhh!"
First day of school!
- "I got up before the alarm went off! I hate it when that happens. Oh well, at least it gives me enough time to get ready and make sure we leave on time! The rush hour traffic is insane!"
- "Ok all set! Somehow we got through the teeth brushing - uniform wearing - breakfast eating madness! Aww, he looks so cute! Time for the customary 'First day of school' pic! Oh God why does he not want me to take his pic? Today of all days! I need to send it to all my Whatsapp groups! And if it's a decent pic, even put it on Facebook or Instagram! Why doesn't this boy understand?? Ok, managed to get a half decent pic. At least half his face is showing! He looks grumpy though.. Anyway, this will do! We need to rush now, because we spent 10 minutes trying to get a pic!"
- "Finally, on our way, woohooo! This traffic is horrendous! I hope we get there on time! I wonder how he will be on his first day. He doesn't seem fazed by any of this. Does he even understand that he's going to 'big school'? Aww, he's so little! Wait, will he tell his teacher that he wants to use the toilet? I hope he eats his snack, he hardly ate anything this morning! It's too early for his system (and mine too!). Hopefully he'll soon get used to it. I'm getting a bit emotional right now. Oh great! Now my eyeliner is smudged and I look like I have a black eye! So much for being 'presentable'! I'll just have to keep my sunnies on."
- "Oh my God, where to park? How do I get through this maze of cars? I mean, I knew it was going to be a struggle to park, but this is not what I was expecting to see! Can I just park in the middle of the road like everyone else has? Ok I don't really have a choice if I need to get him into class on time. Do I need to leave even earlier?"
- "Aww the kids look so cute in their uniforms! Do I see any familiar faces? Oh I see some fellow parents! Oh wait, what's that around their necks? Oh sh*t, I left my access card in the car! Great! this boy doesn't want to walk.. now I need to carry him back to the car, get my access card and go all the way back to the classroom. I really should have worn my gym clothes!"
- "Ok, we are finally in the classroom. His teachers are so lovely! I'm glad! He seems fine, he went straight for the play-doh! HaHa! Bye bye darling, have a lovely first day! The parents seem really friendly! I sometimes worry about nothing! I should really stop doing that! Anyway, back to the car! I hope I'm able to get out of the maze quickly! Oh what's this?? I forgot his hat in the car! God give me strength! I think I'll just carry it with me when I go to pick him up. My car is literally parked in the middle of the road!"
- "Phew back home! That was crazy! I have 2 hours before I have to pick him up! So much to do in these two hours! But first, tea!"
- "I hope the pick up is better than the drop off! I must leave early so I can find a decent parking spot! I think I'll go even earlier so I get a chance to talk to some parents. Ah, should I have just stayed there? Why bother coming back home at all?? I wonder how he's been on the first day! This is quite overwhelming! He'll be fine, he loves being around other kids! I can't wait to hear all about his first day!"
"Aww there he is, my little boy, all grown up! Carrying his own bag and everything! He looks so happy! Aww that was the biggest smile and the biggest hug! All that chaos and running around - I guess it's all worth it in the end! Phew! What a day! And tomorrow, we get to do this all over again!"