The Pursuit of Good Skin
Hello there!
Who here doesn't want great, healthy looking skin? I'm sure a lot of you (like me) aspire for that healthy glow, flawless complexion and that even skin tone that we once had, as kids. Now, I'm in my 30s and I can really see a big change in my skin. It's not as smooth as it used to be, it feels a bit dry and stretchy at times, and dark circles - well, looks like they're here to stay so I might as well make peace with that.
Anyway, I have always tried to take care of my skin but I have made some mistakes as well! In my younger days I took some things for granted and now when I look back, I wish I had shown better judgement. Oh well, you can't turn back time, but you can definitely make better choices going forward, right? Better late than never! So, if you're in your 20s and reading this, I would urge you to pay attention to your skin and take care of it while you're still young, it will make such a big difference!
Here are some tips based on the things that I have consciously started doing with respect to skin care, and I can see some great results already!
Always remove makeup:
No matter how tired, sleepy or lazy I'm feeling, I always remove my makeup before sleeping. I must admit I have slept with makeup on in the past, knowing perfectly well that it's a BIG no-no. But now, after seeing all the negative effects first hand, I've made a promise to myself that I'll never ever do it again. My night time skincare routine is so important to me and I actually look forward to it every night. It's kind of therapeutic. :)
I hardly ever use very heavy makeup, but even then I generally use 2 steps for removing it (1) Cleansing butter/balm (2) Micellar water. These 2 steps make sure everything is off my face and my skin gets a chance to breathe. My current favourites are the Body Shop Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter and Boots Botanics All Bright with Hibiscus Micellar cleansing solution.
Except when I'm travelling, I avoid using makeup wipes because I somehow feel that they dry out my skin. But if you're OK with using wipes, do keep some at your bedside table in case you're lazy like me. Baby wipes also work like a charm and the Pampers Sensitive wipes have been my saviours in the past! I think they work better than the regular make up wipes!
Don't wash your face in the shower:
This may sound a bit silly, but I don't wash my face in the shower anymore. I always wash it at the basin, after my shower. I realised that the high temperature in the shower was really drying out my face and since I've started doing this, my face feels less dry and doesn't turn red like it used to. I use warm water from the tap to wash my face - not too hot, not too cold and I always pat dry (never rub). I have also reduced my shower time because the longer you shower, the more likely you are to dry out the natural moisture of your skin. If you have really dry skin overall, a tip would be to take warm showers (instead of hot) and it might help reduce the dryness.
Sunscreen, all day, everyday:
The one piece of skincare advice I would give my 20 year old self would be - wear sunscreen! It doesn't matter if you're just 'popping out for a bit', or if you're swimming, or just going out to water the plants, or it's cloudy or rainy - it just doesn't matter. If the sun is in the sky, you got to wear sunscreen. Simple. I've not been very consistent with sunscreen and I can see the damage it has caused. So for the past couple of years, I have made a conscious effort to include it in my skincare routine. I was using the Kiehls Ultra Light Daily UV Defence sunscreen for a while, but I've recently switched to Khadi natural sunscreen just to give it a try.
Drink lots of water:
This is a no-brainer, and I'm sure we all know how important it is to drink enough water. But for whatever reason, I wasn't drinking enough. It actually got to a point where I had to set alarms and reminders on my phone to prompt me to drink water. Can you imagine! But since I've started keeping a bottle of water at hand wherever I am, I've improved massively. The fact is, no amount of hydrating creams and lotions can make up for a dehydrated body.
So if you notice you have dry lips, or dry/dull skin and that's not your usual skin type, then it may be a sign that you need to drink more water. It's important to tell the difference between dry skin (as in skin type) and dehydrated skin (a condition). But having said that, there's no harm in making sure you're drinking enough water in a day. So stay hydrated people!
Regular exercise:
Since I've started working out regularly and generally taking better care of my health and diet, I can see a noticeable improvement in my skin. It's all linked, you see! Exercise increases blood flow, nourishes skin cells and is also known to reduce signs of ageing. Not to mention it also reduces stress, which in turn helps you sleep better and give you an overall healthy body and skin. So if you want healthy, glowing skin make sure you include some form of exercise in your daily routine. Along with exercise, it's really important to include lots of fresh fruit and green veggies in your diet. A diet rich in anti-oxidants is vital for healthy looking skin. And before this turns into a science lesson, let's move on!
Use the right products for your skin type:
There's no shortage of skincare products in the market - there's a product for every skin type, every skin condition, every price point and every age. But to get the most out of a product, you must know your skin type and must try different products to see what works best for you. Our skin also changes over time, so what worked for you in your 20s, may not be right for you in your 30s. Hormonal changes, pregnancy, illness - all these things could change your skin type or cause certain conditions. So always make sure you're using the products that are suited to your skin.
In my case, when I was pregnant, my skin changed. After I had my baby, my skin changed. When I moved to a new country, my skin changed. So it's basically been all over the place and I've had to try many different products and change my skincare routine a few times. But it's still worth doing that if you want to truly take care of your skin. So try new products, see what works for you (unless you have a skin condition that prevents you from using different products)
Finally, I just want to say that skincare doesn't necessarily have to be an expensive affair. There are some pantry ingredients that can be used to make excellent cleansers, scrubs and masks if you're willing to try them. I still use my homemade oatmeal scrubs from time to time and they are super effective and really inexpensive. Ultimately, it's all about what works for you as an individual. So don't underestimate the power of pure rose water, and use it as a toner for magical results. Well, even Cleopatra swore by it!