Trust me, it gets easier
'Trust me, it gets easier'
If you're a new mom, or even an experienced mom, it's very likely that you've heard these golden words that fill you with immense hope and positivity. Typically, they come from more experienced moms who have been there, done that. And I don't have anything against it, honestly. I know it comes from the goodness of their heart and they are only trying to be helpful. Hey I owe a lot to my mom support group and I could not have done a lot of things if it weren't for them, offering some much needed guidance and support.
Being mom is by far the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. It's like being thrown into the deep end, and somehow you just have to learn how to swim. Sometimes you swim like a graceful mermaid, sometimes you struggle to keep afloat. That's just how it is. Of course it's the most beautiful, satisfying and rewarding thing in the world and I love my boy to bits! But I won't lie, it's not always smooth sailing. There are still times when I think - am I doing this right? Could I have handled this better? Is the lunch healthy enough? Could I have avoided yelling? Is that too much screen time? Etc. etc. It just doesn't end. Even then, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I know I'm not alone and some of you moms and dads might relate to this. It's not easy. Some moms make it look very easy though, I must say, but I'm definitely not one of them! My little one is now 3 years old and over the years I've gone through a lot of highs and lows of parenting. But the one phrase I continue to hear is - 'Trust me, it gets easier'.
Painful and traumatic labour and birth? Trust me, it gets easier.
Feeling like a zombie? Haven't slept for weeks? Trust me, it gets easier.
Breastfeeding isn't working? Expressing is exhausting? Trust me, it gets easier.
All you do in your awake hours is sterilise bottles? Trust me, it gets easier.
Baby pooped in the bath? AGAIN? Trust me, it gets easier.
Travelling with baby is nothing short of a nightmare? Trust me, it gets easier.
Baby won't eat anything, you've tried pureeing everything? Trust me, it gets easier.
Baby goes to nursery and every week is a new infection? Trust me, it gets easier.
Potty training isn't going as planned? Trust me, it gets easier.
Tantrums and drama in the middle of the mall? Trust me, it gets easier.
Starting school soon, but he is still such a fussy eater? Trust me, it gets easier.
Won't share anything! Just won't listen? Trust me, it gets easier.
You know the drill, right? So, does it really get any easier? I still wonder. To some extent yes - I mean that particular thing gets easier, agreed. Life is a lot easier now when I don't need to sterilise bottles, puree food or change nappies. But there are other more challenging things that have come my way. It sometimes makes me wonder if childbirth was the easy bit.
You see, when your child is a 'threenager' there's no shortage of tantrums, drama, endless negotiations, yelling and unpredictable behaviour. It's really not easy to keep your cool all the time and 'do the right thing'. It's not easy, and it probably never will be. But sometimes, all you need is a bit of encouragement, a ray of hope and that kind reassurance that it's all going to be OK.
Meanwhile, I see a young mom at the grocery store juggling her crying baby and the shopping bags. She looks like she could do with some help, so I offer to put some of her things into the bags. She thanks me, teary eyed. I automatically smile back and say to her - 'Trust me, it gets easier' :)