Little Lifestyle Changes for Better Sleep

Today, 19th March 2021 is celebrated as World Sleep Day! It’s an important day indeed, because sleep is probably one of the most important things that we need for a properly functioning life; yet it is so easily compromised in our modern lifestyle. Today is celebrated as “World Sleep Day’ to raise awareness of important sleep-related issues and to advocate the importance of sleep for good health.

You know, I stayed up all night to study”, “I stayed up all night to work”, “I stayed up all night to party”, “I stayed up all night because my baby wouldn’t sleep”, “I stayed up all night to binge watch GOT” etc. etc - I’ve heard this way too many times from too many people. I’ve been there, done that as well in my life, who am I kidding?! In my growing up years, somehow “staying up to do something” was said with a lot of pride - like a badge of honour! I have indeed stayed up so many nights for last minute studying, or finishing off some work or just watching some mindless stuff on TV, but at the time it all felt normal. Everyone I knew was doing it! Somehow, staying up all night to complete a task was seen as a good thing and was announced to the world with pride. When can we stop doing that? It does not send a good message.

Of course, I’m not talking about those situations that are beyond anyone’s control that require you to ‘stay up all night’ or there’s an emergency, or there’s something critical that has to be handled at once - like a crying baby, or work related critical issue - I get that, and I fully understand how hard that is. But I don’t understand when someone chooses to lose sleep on a daily basis, in a non-emergency situation. That’s what I’m talking about - that I just can’t seem to get my head around.

You know what they say, you don’t realise the importance of something until you don’t have it anymore. That’s what happened with me! My sleep situation has been really different since my pregnancy. I used to be able to sleep anytime, anywhere - but something changed after my son was born. I always had that jetlagged feeling and I still do sometimes. I’m always playing catch up with my sleep and somehow, no amount of sleep seems enough! Has that happened to you?

For a lot of people, sleep comes easily.. they don’t have to try really hard.. but there are some who struggle on a daily basis .. something as natural and normal as dozing off to sleep, or staying asleep through the night is a big challenge.. yet, there are no exemptions at work or anywhere else for these people. You still have to work, still have to be responsible adults and parents, you still have to carry on with your day-to-day life regardless of how you'r night has been. And it’s very very hard. Because no one knows. Because not many people I know openly talk about this. Sleep deprivation has serious consequences and there has to be a certain amount of awareness and support for those dealing with these issues.

I know I have had my struggles with sleep in the past (although it hasn’t been terrible for me, I know some who are dealing with much worse) and even today I’m an extremely light sleeper.. If I happen to wake up in the night for whatever reason, I take time to go back to sleep.. sometimes hours! Anyway, on the occasion of ‘World Sleep Day’, I thought of sharing some things that I have made as part of my lifestyle to improve my quality of sleep. It has helped me to a great extent and hopefully you’ll find something here that works for you too! I can’t stress enough that there’s always help available if you’re really struggling with sleep. Please don’t suffer in silence and do talk to your GP or a health professional to seek medical help.

- I avoid having a lot of water post 6pm (so I’m less likely to wake up in the night) which means I drink the bulk of my water quota during the day, with a few sips here and there at night.

-I have half a cup of turmeric milk at night. So that’s basically all the liquid I can consume before bed. :D Turmeric milk has so many health benefits, but one of them is that it helps you sleep better - and I can vouch for that.

- I avoid afternoon naps at all costs (even though napping has always been my favourite daytime activity). I just know that if I nap in the day, then falling asleep at night will be a problem.

- I co-sleep with my son even though it goes against all the rules in all the rule books. This has been life changing - because he sometimes wakes up in the night and I can’t be spending my precious sleep time in going to his room and making him sleep and then coming back to my room and staying awake like a zombie for the rest of the night. So I do what works for me. He doesn’t wake up as much in the night if I’m next to him. So we both get a decent amount of sleep. Is it right? Is it wrong - I don’t know - there are so many conflicting opinions on this one. However you just have to do what’s best for you!

- I sleep at a reasonable time.. I don’t binge watch anything till 2 or 3 am.. sleep is more important than any show in the history of shows. The last time I binge watched ’The Bureau’ till 2 am and I had a migraine for 2 days after that.. so never again!!

- I’ve given up alcohol completely and that has just improved my life in so many ways.. not just sleep. I had known for a while that wine gave me headaches. Still somehow I didn’t stop! So weird.. but now that I’m a happy teetotaller, I sleep much better!

- I believe in regular workouts (although I have to say I haven’t been doing much for the past 2 weeks) but generally speaking, exercise has really helped with my sleep. It relaxes me, takes care of my usual day-to-day stress and clears my head. I need to be in a relaxed state of mind to be able to sleep better. Even short walks sometimes help me get into a better zone, mentally.

- I have created a cozy environment in the bedroom.. I have switched to linen bedding and it has been a game changer. Now I don’t get too hot or too cold in the night and it just feels extremely cozy. Other than that, I use bedside lamps, a soft rug, plants, cushions and everything that has ‘cosy’ written all over it! I have in some ways embraced the ‘hygge’ life and I’ve never looked back.

- Dimming all the lights in the night. You’ll rarely find the ceiling lights on in my house at night.. it’s always dim mood lighting.. I can’t have any brightness in the night or it messes with my brain. So I have floor lamps, or table lamps in every room to set the tone and it helps my brain to understand that it’s soon going to be bedtime :)

- I don’t ‘sleep in’ even on weekends. I actually love the idea of a ‘lie-in’ - I might wake up an hour or so later, but I avoid sleeping till say 9am or 10am. I know a lot of people do, but for me, that just disrupts my rhythm. The actual reason is that my little boy wakes up at 6am regardless of what day it is, so automatically we all have to wake up! But anyway, as much as I hate to admit it, it works!

- I eat light dinners. I cannot sleep if I’ve over eaten so I keep my meals light and frequent! I also try and have my dinner by 7pm latest. The later I haver dinner, the more difficult it is for me to fall asleep. So usually, I try and leave at least 2 hours between my dinner and bedtime.

- On some nights, and when I need to, I use noise cancelling ear plugs and that really helps me stay asleep. Considering that I wake up if my neighbour drops something on the floor, I really need to keep these handy. I also use them on flights, and on holidays.

- Finally, I wish I could add that I’ve reduced my screen time at night - but that’s not happened yet, I’m still desperately trying! Let’s just say this is work in progress! I want to get into the habit of reading a book at night instead of scrolling on my phone, but I’ve tried and failed many times! But hopefully someday I can say that with confidence, because I know it will help me!

Hope you found this useful! Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like to share too! Comment below.. x