DIY Christmas wreaths - This Christmas, I decided to make some of the decoration at home instead of buying from the store. It was a highly satisfying experience and I had a lot of fun making these 2 Christmas wreaths! Find out how I made them, and let me know which one you liked better!
Read MoreMy experience of dining at the fabulous Tresind Studio Dubai. Food that tastes as good as it looks! Read my post to get a glimpse of what to expect when you dine at Tresind Studio.
Read MoreHere are my top 3 picks for jewellery organisers that I would recommend if you’re looking for inspiration on how to store your jewellery and other little accessories.
Read MoreOctober is my Birthday Month and every October, I do some things without fail. They are my Birthday Month Rituals! Read my latest post to find out more..
Read MoreI recently attended a painting workshop. It was so much fun and I learnt so many things. If you want to read about my experience, read on! Sometimes, something as mundane as a painting workshop can teach you many things.
Read MoreReviewing some skincare products from the Botanics range. They are plant based products and really effective in improving the tone and texture of the skin. And what’s more, they are super affordable!
Read MoreMy little boy has started ‘big school’! Read about all the thoughts that popped in my mind in the run up to D-Day! A true account of a ‘not-so-organised’ mom.
Read MorePink is a colour, like any other colour. I’ve felt so many times that somehow it’s a bit strange when boys like pink things. Like it deserves some special mention. Let kids be kids and let them like what they like :)
Read MoreWho here doesn't want great, healthy looking skin? I'm sure a lot of you (like me) aspire for that healthy glow, flawless complexion and that even skin tone that we once had, as kids. Here are some tips based on the things that I have consciously started doing with respect to skin care, and I can see some great results already!
Read MoreTrust me, it gets easier - the golden words that I’ve heard people say to me over and over and over again. Yet, being a parent isn’t easy and I don’t know if it will get any easier in future. Still, I wouldn’t have it any other way..
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